Put another way – Quelle 弱形 normalization and Поче is it महत्वपूर्ण? Think for a minute about trying to read your email but every email is in a different language? What happens if you don’t know the language or the coworker you forwarded it to doesn’t know that language? Then it becomes a real problem and very inefficient. If you could always funnel those emails through a translator before they hit your inbox, the problem disappears.
Now think about document and electronic file storage for most companies; paper documents, files on a shared drive, files in the cloud, files everywhere. There are probably many different paper filing methods, digital files in personal folders with a unique and less than intuitive structure by employee, one PDF file that actually contains 10 documents, or file names that are cryptic. Does this all sound familiar? Some employees might eventually develop a process for finding information they need, but most will waste a considerable amount of time trying to translate the file storage methods.
Normalization is the “Translator” when you are migrating files from multiple locations or multiple users into a single repository or folder structure. Actually, normalization is the process of reversing “garbage in, garbage out”. PDF files can be split. Files can be renamed. Files can be reorganized into logical order. Duplicates can be detected and deleted.
If you are implementing a document management system or merging two companies, now is the time for normalization. It can be a time consuming process, but with the proper tools and experienced project management, it can be accomplished. The end result is a very efficient, well organized repository of corporate information. That is a major benefit to new employees but will also make current employees far more efficient.
This process will fix your current situation, but don’t forget to implement procedures to prevent the same situation from happening again. Implement minimum meta data requirements for all new documents. Associate documents with the underlying corporate information like lists of customers, properties or employees. These modest changes will have a very high impact on your users and ultimately your business.