Everyone does a top ten best or ten most list, especially at the beginning of the year. Top ten this or top ten that. But what about the bottom? What would that look like if we had the bottom five; five lowest played songs of 2022, five business ideas that fizzled by mid-year, five worst investments of 2022. That last one is real.
Can it help us to understand the five worst of something? Yes, absolutely that can be very helpful if for no other reason than to raise awareness. So here is a hypothetical list of five worst business operation decisions of 2022:
5. Allow employees to log onto the company network without a username and password
4. Put the company excess cash flow into a 50/50 mix of meme stocks and rubles
3. Ban the use of video conferencing technologies for employees
2. Encourage the use of spreadsheets and wet signatures for approvals and tracking
1. Rely on network drives and email for document storage and compliance
Its easy to see the absurdity in numbers 5, 4 and 3. But for some reason, it’s a lot harder to convince companies there is a better way on numbers 2 and 1. And yet, those two can easily return far more to a company then the other three.
Establishing a true workflow solution and a dedicated critical document archive solution provides significant benefits in productivity, profitability, security and of course compliance. The proliferation of information is obvious and the variety of sources overwhelming. But its just information unless it is verified and supported.
Workflow allows a company to track the source and the review and approval of information that is collected. That process creates trustworthiness in the information. Then the storage of that collected information and supporting documentation is the backbone of decision making and compliance.
What are your bottom five for 2022 and what are you going to do about them in 2023?
Millennia Group created and has hosted FileStar, a workflow and critical document archive, since 2004. www.mgdocs.com, info@mgdocs.com, (630) 279-0577