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Millennia Group Blog

General Model means General Results

via Flickr - Gabriel Saldana
Models on Runway

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Learning Models (LLMs) are widely recognized in the business world for their transformative potential. What stands out in the numerous reports about these technologies is the diversity of models being developed. These models come in various forms, such as socially conscious models, math-oriented ones, those specializing in science, and even models with a sense of humor.

The existence of different models implies that there are influencers or factors shaping their distinctions. These influencers can be human, affecting the way algorithms are designed or the inclusion of certain guidelines. These influences often reflect the values and ideals of the model’s developers. While it’s important to filter out hateful or unsafe content, the definitions of what constitutes hatefulness or danger can vary widely, leading to the creation of different models.

In essence, not all “models” are the same, much like when you seek expertise from an industry professional. The quality of the expert depends on their biases and experience. Forward-thinking businesses will look for models that incorporate the best possible “experience” within their algorithms, based on the training data.

For example, consider a medical diagnostic model. When dealing with a lung issue, it’s crucial that the model has been exposed to a large dataset of lung disease images, rather than a mix of unrelated medical images like broken bone X-rays, dental scans, or brain images. The same principle applies to other types of models. If you need a model for classifying and reporting on commercial real estate, it should have been trained on a substantial volume of commercial real estate documents and data.

AI and LLMs are poised to revolutionize the world, but it’s unlikely that a single model will accomplish this. Instead, specific models tailored for specific tasks, devoid of biases stemming from unrelated information, will play a key role. As you integrate AI or LLMs into your business processes, consider both the potential biases of the developers and the content used to train the model. These considerations will significantly impact the outcomes.

Since 1996 Millennia Group has been managing and hosting critical document archives for some of the top commercial real estate firms in the world.  For more information –, or (630) 279-0577.