We serve clients in many different industries; commercial real estate, manufacturing, insurance, telecommunications, non-profit, education, etc. Each one of these industries has some critical information that drives the company or certainly a significant department within the company.
Most of the time that critical information is data that is pulled from or supported by documents. Lease agreements and other contracts contain the terms and conditions that feed the accounting system. Customer orders contain the all-important customer information that goes into the ERP. Unorganized, mis-filed, inaccessible documents result in inaccurate data.
In a completely paperless environment like an online order, the typical data error is caused by the user mis-keying an address or ordering the wrong item. The user interface is configured to prevent this by having an order confirmation page for the user to acknowledge. Mistakes may still occur, but are minimized with a simple step.
With data derived from documents or supported by documents, the process was to send the information around in a folder from preparer to reviewer to data entry. Maybe it even involved using overnight shipping from field office to the corporate office. That progressed to sending the support via email or uploading documents to the network or the cloud. That is a faster, less costly process, but still lacks visibility, tracking and a confirmation requirement.
In order to ensure that you are getting good data in your business systems, use technology to develop a good collection, review and confirmation process. A document management system can collect and route a complete package of information through a defined process – aka, workflow. Build a workflow to send alerts, provide real-time tracking and to enforce validation and review of critical data.
Show your data some love by building out a workflow to help manage the process. Identify your critical data and documents. Analyze how the information is received, accessed, stored, shared and even disposed of. Determine an efficient way to get the information to the right people at the right time and build in checkpoints to increase accuracy. Nobody has cornered the market on the confirmation page – you can have one too and you will get better data because of it.
Millennia Group provides SaaS model workflow and document management solutions to companies looking to become more efficient. For more information go to www.mgdocs.com or send us an email at info@mgdocs.com