There are plenty of companies and individuals making decisions over the past few weeks and for the coming few months that are based on a get-it-done strategy. This is completely understandable as we all face unprecedented business and personal circumstances. Looking on the bright side of things, some of these “as necessary” reactions and solutions may just be the spark that helps a company be a little more productive, a little more efficient or a little less stuck.
So what parts of the business world is grabbing attention that otherwise gets very little? The mail room for sure. Filing cabinets and the documents stuck in them, absolutely. Virtual video conferencing backgrounds so nobody sees your bedroom, I mean home office. The quality of the mobile phone carrier and the quality of headphones will definitely get a look. There will be plenty of stories from people forced to work remotely or otherwise change their work habits.
Make sure to ask the questions and to listen to the stories. These will be the big opportunities for the future and will help to make little improvements right now. These improvements will include not only technology, but also physical elements too. For instance, how far apart should workstations or machines be? Should any door not have auto-open or hands-free operation?
But even the wildest imagination won’t pick up on all of it. There will always be issues that you just have to deal with and do what’s necessary. If you have to, stagger the workforce hours to make sure your occupancy ratio doesn’t exceed 50% of the total employees, then do it. If scanning mail and emailing it to employees is what is needed, then do it. But keep an open mind and see what works or could work with the “As Necessary” process that could become a version of the eventual standard.