Healthcare: Medical Records Scanning
Are you overwhelmed by a room full of medical records that need to be scanned?
Most medical institutions want an easy way to scan patient charts and medical records into PDF and TIFF because they understand the tremendous benefits to paperless management. However, with new records coming in each day, it can be hard to know where to begin.
Start by calling us. We have converted hundreds of thousands of charts and patient records accurately and cost-effectively, and we can create a process that works for you.
Once your medical records are scanned and imported into your Electronic Medical/Health Records Software (EMR/EHR), patients, partners and employee will all appreciate improved speed and efficiency while freeing up floor space.
Customized Backfile Document Scanning Services
We can scan all of your paper medical records, including:
- Patient charts
- Lab results
- Prescriptions
- Billing and insurance correspondence
- Physician notes
- Patient ID information (driver’s licenses, passports)
Medical Records Scanning Options
- Onsite Scanning: Imaging and document specialists and equipment onsite at your facility.
- Offsite Scanning: Scanning and indexing services at our secure production facility in the Chicago area.
Contact us for more information on medical records document scanning