I:S3 Smart Scanning
Inventory: Shred, Scan or Store
Moving an office, closing a facility or navigating a mountain of boxes? Do you wonder what’s in your off-site storage? Do you dread the thought of looking through thousands of boxes or file cabinets? Are you afraid of losing critical company documents due to a move or facility closing?
If so, then you need our I:S3 Smart Document Scanning Service.
Let our document scanning team capture the contents of your boxes or cabinets and help you decide what to shred, store in off-site storage and scan onsite at your location or offsite at our Chicago service bureau.
I:S3 Document Scanning Services
The Millennia Group document scanning team will do the following:
- Take a complete inventory of your paper and electronic documents
- Give you a tool to research your document inventory and determine the best course of action
- Incorporate your records management and retention policies
- Scan and store only what’s needed, shred the rest
- Operate at your facility (onsite) or ours (offsite)
I:S3 Document Scanning Benefits
- Lower your off-site storage costs
- Reduce your potential litigation exposure
- Empower your employees with a trusted critical document archive
- Ensure your business doesn’t miss a beat
Contact us for more information on how I:S3 can help you tackle that mountain of paper